Sugar Scrub and a Skin Care Remedy ~ Happy Feet
Hey foodie friends, are your dogs a barkin’? Let’s fix that!
Have you been runnin’ around like crazy? Are your feet acting up like Tom’s are here in this skit? You don’t wanna end up at the bottom of the steps like that poor feller, so let’s head to the pantry and get a couple of things to fix those tired, worn out tootsies.
If you’ve got rough, dry, sore, tired and worn out feet, this simple two ingredient home remedy will make your feet stop yelling at you. Instead of barking, they’ll wanna get up and dance!
All we have here is some brown sugar and coconut oil. That’s it. Mix these two together and rub it on your feet. Rinse, dry and repeat as often as you wish.
You can use any type of oil and any type of sugar or even a fine grained salt. I recommend the brown sugar simply be cause of the texture that I prefer. The coconut oil however has many beneficial factors that make it better than just any oil.
Here’s a few facts about the benefits of coconut oil:
* A natural alternative as a moisturizer that has no added chemicals.
* Retains the moisture content of the skin and eliminates moisture loss through the pores on skin.
* Antimicrobial properties and protects from microbial infections.
* When absorbed through the skin or taken internally, it can boost your energy and aid in weight loss.
* A natural source of vitamin E.
* Has anti-aging properties.
* Is good for skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis and eczema.
* Can be used as a make-up remover and for protection against harmful sun damage.
I could go on and on but you get the picture. I’ve used coconut oil for years and I am eternally grateful that I discovered it. It’s inexpensive and widely available in just about any store you go in or on the internet. It can replace all those costly, space hogging bottles of creams, lotions and cleansers you’ve got piling up in your medicine cabinet, too.
While we’re talking about scrubbing your feet and making them feel nice, I wanted to mention a skin care remedy that I personally keep on hand and use for my feet as well as other skin issues. Tea Tree Oil. You can add a few drops of this stuff to your scrub and it’ll help deodorize your feet and treat any funky conditions you might have going on. You can also add a few drops to your foot soak. (yesterday’s post)
Disclaimer: I am not a health care professional. I have studied herbal and natural home remedies for many years and prefer holistic care for myself and my family. These suggestions are simply here for your reference and can not replace the medical advice of your physician.
This is one of my favorite go-to skin care weapons. If someone in my family has a cut, a bug bite, a rash, a zit (yes I said zit lol), or any other number of skin issues that pop up, this is one of the things that I use. That includes using it for my pets as well.
Like the coconut oil, I have used Tea Tree Oil for many years and it never fails to help heal a minor skin condition. The smell is quite potent (think really strong peppermint) but it does the job. I’ve even used it for a tooth ache before.
Tea tree oil comes from the leaves of a tea tree, not to be confused with the tea plant from which we get black and green tea from. It has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties and is widely available in stores and on the internet. Here are some of the many conditions it can be used as treatment for:
* Acne and boils
* Fungal infections, including nail infections and athlete’s foot and ring worm
* Cuts, burns and abrasions
* Insect bites and stings
* Tooth ache
* Vaginal infections
* Ear Infections
* Infections of the mouth and throat
* Coughs, colds and respiratory conditions (used in a hot bath or vaporizer)
* Can be used as a deodorizer for feet.
And those are just a few things you can use it for. In other words, in my book, it’s a cure all type of remedy for mild to moderate conditions.
There you have it folks. Treating your feet right! That scrub is a sure fire way to stop your feet from screamin’ and get ’em to start singin’! If you’ve got some kind of funk going on with your feet or you just wanna make ’em smell nice, add a little Tea Tree Oil to the mix and you’ll be bare footin’ your way through the day.
I do hope you’ll give this a try friends. Your feet will thank you 🙂
Make it a great day and as always, keep it delicious. Be good to you!
Till next time ~ much love, Connie
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